Online Safety for Students
Our students are regularly updated with comprehensive online safety guidance throughout their experience at the Academy. We deliver key messages via our online safety lessons as part of the ICT and Computing curriculum. Assemblies, Tutor periods, and enrichment clubs are also used as opportunities to update students on online safety. The Assistant Safeguarding Officer, Miss Leonard, is a CEOP (The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command) accredited trainer and ensures students, parents and staff within the Academy receive appropriate advice and guidance.
The Academy has a secure network and ICT facilities that filter our internet and email systems to ensure students are safe when utilizing the Academy’ ICT systems.
We are committed to raising online safety awareness amongst our parent/carers and local community, and regularly hold training sessions to provide advice that will assist you keep your child safe when using ICT devices at home. The CEOP and ThinkUKnow links on our website provide further online safety advice should you require this.
If you would like further information, please contact the Academy.
Useful Links for Students
Reporting abuse at CEOP
Advice and guidance
Cyberbullying advice
Advice and guidance at Safer Internet