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Before the Exams

When will I be given my statement of entry?

You will receive a statement of entry and a consent form in February, it is important to go through and check all the details are correct. This will include your personal details legal name etc and all entry details. The signed documents must be returned.

What do I do if there is an error on my Statement of Entry or an exam is listed that I am not taking?

Discuss this with the Subject Leader who will inform the Exams Officer immediately.

I believe I have been entered for the wrong tier paper, what should I do?

Discuss with the Subject Leader who will inform the Exams Officer if it needs to change.

What do I do if there is a clash?

Please advise the Exams Officer to ensure it is not overlooked. If you have exams that clash, these will be rescheduled and new times will be shown on your final timetable. The exams whenever possible will take place on the same day. You will remain under supervision (isolation) between the two papers.

Exam Day

What do I do if I am late for an exam?

Ring the academy immediately and speak to the Exams Officer who will advise you on how to proceed. On arrival you will need to wait in reception until you are met by the Exams Officer. Depending on how late you are the Exam Officer will make the appropriate arrangements. It may not be possible to sit the exam due to late attendance, therefore it is important to plan your journey and allow extra time for unforeseen circumstances.

What happens if I am Ill/ have a family crisis/ suffer a bereavement of a close family member during the exam period?

You must let the Exams Officer know immediately. You may be required to supply further documentation but in the first instance ensure your Head of Year and Exams Officer are made aware.  

What do I do if I feel ill during an exam?

You must raise your hand and an invigilator will assist you. If you feel unwell before the exam you must tell the invigilator so they can monitor and assist where required.

If I miss my exam can I take it on another day?

No. Exams are scheduled by the exam boards so you must attend on the day and time given.

If you have missed an exam through illness you must have visited your Doctor and provide a note to the Exams Officer.

What equipment do I need for my exam?

You are responsible for bringing your own equipment to your exams. This will not be provided for you. Each candidate should have black pens, pencils, ruler, mathematics equipment in a clear pencil case. If you are allowed a calculator in the exam the lid must be removed.

Can I go to the toilet during the exam?

You are not allowed to leave the exam unless it is a medical requirement and a medical certificate has been submitted in advance.

If I finish my exam before the finish time can I leave the room?

No, you must remain in the venue until you are instructed otherwise. Exam conditions apply until all scripts have been collected and you have left the venue.

What do I do if the fire alarm goes off during an exam?

Follow the instructions given by the invigilator. You will be advised to close your booklet and leave all equipment and papers behind. You must remain silent. You will be escorted out of the building to the usual meeting point but will stand away from rest of the school in silence. You must follow the instructions given to you outside and exam conditions will still apply so there must be no contact. The time missed will be added on at the end and the exam board will be informed of the disruption.

Can I bring food and drink into an examination room?

You can bring in a bottle of water, but it must be in a clear plastic bottle with any labels removed prior to entry to the venue.

What if I have entered the venue and have forgotten my seat or some equipment in my bag?

You must speak to an invigilator and wait, there is a seating plan that they can check in the venue or you will be escorted back outside to check. Once you have been to your seat you are under exam conditions so even to get something from your bag you must be escorted by an invigilator. You are not to wander around the venue or leave the venue once you are in.

Do I have to wear school uniform?

Yes. Full academy uniform must be worn.


If you have any concerns that have not been covered please see the Exams Officer.