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Exams Team

Mrs S Bhullar - Examinations and Educational Visits Manager

Mr R Fulcher - Data and Examinations Assistant

Mrs H Edwards - SLT link for exams

Mrs H Brook - Head of Year 11

Invigilators & Readers

Illness/Running late


If you are going to miss an exam due to any illness your parent/carer must contact the academy as soon as possible. We will ask for a doctor’s medical certificate, so that we may ask the board for special consideration on your behalf.

Running late for exams

Please ensure you are on time. Latecomers may be admitted into an examination if there is a genuine reason, but it WILL be reported to the exam board. Be warned that the exam board has the right to refuse your script.

For unavoidable delays ie. Bus breaks down, you must contact the academy and advise us you are running late. You will be advised on the procedure depending on the delay.


Internal Exams


Year 8

Progress Test series (PT) English - 1 October 2024 - Letter

Progress Test series (PT) Maths - W/C 28/04/25

Year 9

Assessments in English, Maths, Science, Geography and History - W/C 20/01/25

Year 9 assessments for Science, English, History & Geography will be done in class, teachers will advise students of the dates. 
Y9 maths assessment will still be conducted in the exam venues on Thursday 23rd January 2025 at 1.30pm.

Revision Guidance

Year 10

Mocks - W/C 16/06/25

Year 11

Mocks - W/C 13/01/25

ADT Practical Mock Exams - W/C 16/12/24


Mock Exams Letter

Please note no revision is required for CAT4 or PT assessments.

NGRT reading tests are conducted for Year 7-10 twice  a year in class.

External Exams

Exam session times
Morning Exams Afternoon Exams
9.00am 1.00pm

GCSE examinations begin - 08/05/25

Vocational examinations begin - 01/05/25

GCSE Contingency day(s) - Wednesday 11/06/25 (afternoon only) & Wednesday 25/06/25 (full day)

Summer 2025 Schedule

Exam Information for Candidates

Controlled Assessment and Examination Information Booklet 2025

Exams are an essential part of education for all students. The process can be stressful, however the key to a successful exam period is to be prepared, plan revision sessions, make the most of resources available and booster sessions provided, understand what is expected of you and do the best you can.

As an exam centre, we are bound by very strict examination rules governed by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ); failure to follow these rules could lead to students being disqualified or loss of marks. A list of the current examination rules and guidance can be downloaded below, you MUST ensure you are familiar with the candidate documents and if you have any concerns please speak to the Exams Officer.

Students should familiarise themselves with the contents of the following documents:

On-screen Tests

Information About You and How We Use It

Non-examination Assessments

Coursework Assessments

Written Examinations

Using Social Media

Unauthorised Items

Warning to Candidates

JCQ Checklist - On the Exam Day


Malpractice Regulations

Please refer back to the JCQ student notices booklet previously provided. You have worked really hard and have come a long way to completing your qualifications please do not jeopardise this by innocently or purposefully committing malpractice

  • Ensure phone/watch/headphones switched off and placed in bags
  • Ensure no papers or anything else is in your pockets
  • Do not remove any papers from the venue
  • Remain silent and no communication with anyone other than invigilator once in the venue
  • You must ensure you do not write on your hands/arms etc as we would not be able to ascertain if it was a code. It would have to be reported to the exam board
  • You must read and follow all the instructions printed on the front of question papers
  • Toilet breaks are not permitted during the exam unless you have a medical condition and please be aware all toilet breaks are logged and can be requested by the board
  • It is your responsibility to comply with examination regulations – breaking them through ignorance is not an excuse!


Post Results and Appeals

Internal Marks

Certain components of GCSE and other qualifications that contribute to the final grade of the qualification are internally assessed (marked) by the centre.  The marks awarded are then submitted by the deadline set by the awarding body for external moderation. On being informed of their centre assessed marks, if a candidate believes that the above procedures were not followed in relation to the marking of their work, or that the assessor has not properly applied the mark scheme to their marking, then they may make use of the appeals procedure in the Internal Appeals Policy to consider whether to request a review of the centre’s marking.

External Marks

Following publication of results, for a limited time only there are post results services available for GCSEs. The decision to support an application for a review of marking is at the discretion of the academy and is not taken lightly. If the academy does not support a review and a candidate still wishes to pursue, it may still be processed but the costs will be sought from the candidate.

Failure to complete any signed document within the timelines given to candidates on results day will prevent the request being actioned.

Review of marking and appeals

After the release of results the academy will advise you if you were near the grade boundary and may ask if you would consent to a review of marking.  Please note grades can go up, down or stay the same.

Service 1 – Clerical check

This is a re-check of all clerical procedures leading to the issue of a result (with a copy of the checked script).  This service will include the following checks:
 • that all parts of the script have been marked
 • the totalling of marks
 • the recording of marks

Deadline for MEA - TBC to allow for internal checks and processing

Service 2 – Mark review

This is a post-results review of the original marking to ensure that the agreed mark scheme has been applied correctly.  Reviewers will not re-mark the script.  They will only act to correct any errors identified in the original marking, if it is not within agreed tolerance. This service will include:

 • the clerical re-checks detailed in Service 1
 • a review of marking as described above 

Deadline for MEA – TBC to allow for internal checks and processing

Access to Script

Consent is sought from the student to access the marked script to either:
 • support teaching and learning
 • review the marking of script and decide if a review of marking is required         

Deadline for MEA – TBC to allow for internal checks and processing

Board deadlines are TBC however we need to work towards the MEA deadlines to allow for administration time

Results Day

Summer 2025

GCSE Results Day - Thursday 21 August 2025

We look forward to welcoming you on results day.

You are to enter academy grounds from the top gates and through the main entrance; you can then make your way into the Lecture Theatre. After collecting your results you may stay and speak to staff; post 16 advice will be available from Miss Casson from C&K Careers and Mrs H Brook Head of Year 11.

Kooth exam results day support brochure

Kooth Support Pack for finishing School

Kooth emotional support poster


Certificates are available to collect directly from the academy for up to one year if you are unable to attend Presentation Evening.

Class of 2024 please ensure you collect your certificates by November 2025 or you will be required to order and pay the awarding body directly for replacement certificates.  Collect from reception between 10am-2pm, please ring first so they will be ready. 

Exam Policies

Examinations Policy

Exam Contingency Policy

Internal Appeals Procedure


Before the Exams

When will I be given my statement of entry?

You will receive a statement of entry and a consent form in February, it is important to go through and check all the details are correct. This will include your personal details legal name etc and all entry details. The signed documents must be returned.

What do I do if there is an error on my Statement of Entry or an exam is listed that I am not taking?

Discuss this with the Subject Leader who will inform the Exams Officer immediately.

I believe I have been entered for the wrong tier paper, what should I do?

Discuss with the Subject Leader who will inform the Exams Officer if it needs to change.

What do I do if there is a clash?

Please advise the Exams Officer to ensure it is not overlooked. If you have exams that clash, these will be rescheduled and new times will be shown on your final timetable. The exams whenever possible will take place on the same day. You will remain under supervision (isolation) between the two papers.

Exam Day

What do I do if I am late for an exam?

Ring the academy immediately and speak to the Exams Officer who will advise you on how to proceed. On arrival you will need to wait in reception until you are met by the Exams Officer. Depending on how late you are the Exam Officer will make the appropriate arrangements. It may not be possible to sit the exam due to late attendance, therefore it is important to plan your journey and allow extra time for unforeseen circumstances.

What happens if I am Ill/ have a family crisis/ suffer a bereavement of a close family member during the exam period?

You must let the Exams Officer know immediately. You may be required to supply further documentation but in the first instance ensure your Head of Year and Exams Officer are made aware.

What do I do if I feel ill during an exam?

You must raise your hand and an invigilator will assist you. If you feel unwell before the exam you must tell the invigilator so they can monitor and assist where required.

If I miss my exam can I take it on another day?

No. Exams are scheduled by the exam boards so you must attend on the day and time given.

If you have missed an exam through illness you must have visited your Doctor and provide a note to the Exams Officer.

What equipment do I need for my exam?

You are responsible for bringing your own equipment to your exams. This will not be provided for you. Each candidate should have black pens, pencils, ruler, mathematics equipment in a clear pencil case. If you are allowed a calculator in the exam the lid must be removed.

Can I go to the toilet during the exam?

You are not allowed to leave the exam unless it is a medical requirement and a medical certificate has been submitted in advance.

If I finish my exam before the finish time can I leave the room?

No, you must remain in the venue until you are instructed otherwise. Exam conditions apply until all scripts have been collected and you have left the venue.

What do I do if the fire alarm goes off during an exam?

Follow the instructions given by the invigilator. You will be advised to close your booklet and leave all equipment and papers behind. You must remain silent. You will be escorted out of the building to the usual meeting point but will stand away from rest of the school in silence. You must follow the instructions given to you outside and exam conditions will still apply so there must be no contact. The time missed will be added on at the end and the exam board will be informed of the disruption.

Can I bring food and drink into an examination room?

You can bring in a bottle of water, but it must be in a clear plastic bottle with any labels removed prior to entry to the venue.

What if I have entered the venue and have forgotten my seat or some equipment in my bag?

You must speak to an invigilator and wait, there is a seating plan that they can check in the venue or you will be escorted back outside to check. Once you have been to your seat you are under exam conditions so even to get something from your bag you must be escorted by an invigilator. You are not to wander around the venue or leave the venue once you are in.

Do I have to wear school uniform?

Yes. Full academy uniform must be worn.

If you have any concerns that have not been covered please see the Exams Officer.

Examination/Test tips

These tips are intended to help you prepare for any important external and internal GCSE and Key Stage 4 exams. Preparation before each set of examinations or tests is considered to be as important as your performance in each exam.

Before the exams: Preparation

  • Create a revision timetable with sensible work slots and breaks and then show it to your parents to get their agreement. Keep to this timetable! Then when your parent finds you 'not working', provided you are following your agreed timetable, they are not going to hassle you. Parents only hassle and worry when they are not sure what you are doing, or if you do not seem to have a plan. Organise yourself well and it will help you to fulfil your potential
  • Know where your exams are and when they start, how long they are, what equipment you are allowed to take in (for example calculators) and what you are not allowed to take in (mobiles, notes, etc)
  • Make sure you have one weekend day when you don't do revision or think about exams - you'll come back to it refreshed
  • Tell your family about your revision time - and ask them for help if you need it - it may help make them feel useful to you!
  • Obtain copies of the syllabus / past papers / revision guides / a list of useful revision websites
  • Keep bullet points on cards highlighting main subject theories. Use these for quick revision and for reading during 'dead' times – for example, when you’re waiting for a bus. Use mnemonics - using initials of a word helps your memory
  • Some people revise well by listening, so you could try ‘talking’ your revision and recording it onto your iPod or phones. Listen to these while lying in bed, while travelling in a car, or walking to the shops. This also takes the guilt out of being out and about rather than in front of your books!
  • Ensure you eat and sleep properly. Now is not the time to diet or stay up all night. Have an early night before each exam
  • Prepare items needed for the exam the evening before. Make sure you have the correct equipment needed for your exam (calculators, rulers, etc). Taking unauthorised equipment in can get you disqualified from the exam
  • If you find that reading over revision notes just before an exam relaxes you, feel free to do so. Attend the booster session arranged by your Academy to help you remember important points/key words related to the exam you will be taking
  • Look after yourself during the exam period (a good routine and healthy eating!)

Day of the exam:

  • On the morning of the exam, have a good breakfast, stay calm and allow plenty of time to get to the exam. Remember that you can only do your best and even if you don't do as well as you'd hoped, your parents still love you just as much!
  • When the invigilator utters the magic words, ‘You may now start the exam’, avoid the temptation to rush in. Adopt a calm, methodological approach. Read the whole paper, checking both sides of the page, so that you don’t miss anything
  • Read the instructions and make sure you understand them (e.g. how many questions from each section, how many questions in total, do the questions attract the same proportion of the marks?). Mark the topics you wish to answer and concentrate on them. You should have a plan of how much time you are going to spend on each question, with the ones carrying the most marks being allocated the most time. Make a note of this plan and stick to it
  • Remember that the exams are not set to trip you up, but are designed to allow you to show your knowledge of the syllabus. Be positive and have confidence in your ability
  • Remember, answering three questions fairly well is better than answering one very well and leaving two badly done. Underlining key words in the question may help to focus your mind and jog your memory
  • Don't forget to refer back to the question to help ensure that you answer the question asked. The examiner can't give you marks for your knowledge and understanding of a topic if you don't answer the specific question properly. Make sure you don't answer the question you wish you'd been asked rather than the question in front of you! Try to read your answer through before moving on to the next question
  • Concentrate on your punctuation, spelling and grammar. Don’t forget to use paragraphs for longer pieces of writing. Make sure your answers are clear and precise
  • Remember that, while you will not be marked down for bad handwriting, if the examiner cannot read what you have written, then they can't give you the marks you deserve
  • Try to relax, and keep an eye on the clock without checking it every five minutes. You need to leave time to complete each question and to read through your answers before the end of the exam. Ensure all diagrams have titles and are fully labelled
  • Once you have finished the exam, don't worry about it and try to avoid comparing your answers with other students. Now the examiners' hard work begins!
  • Begin to focus on the next exam
  • Childline website https://childline.org.uk/info-advice/school-college-and-work/school-college/preparing-exams/ contains helpful tips on preparing for exams and managing stress

Useful Links and Information




