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Anti Bullying

Report Bullying Incident

Bullying and Hate Incidents

The academy has a ‘duty of care’ towards its students with regard to bullying in that the Principal and staff stand in loco parentis (in place of parents). This duty of care includes protecting students from harm, from bullying and any other hate incidents.  At Moor End Academy we believe that everyone should be equally valued and treated with respect. We encourage all students to report bullying and hate incidents and Heads of Year will investigate all instances that are reported. Students who are found to be involved in hate incidents will be sanctioned accordingly.


Bullying – If a student is proven to have bullied another, that student will be placed in seclusion for the number of days in relation to where they are on the structure.

Hate incidents – If a student is proven to have been involved in a hate incident (even using inappropriate terminology), the first time they will be educated about this, but any time after this will lead to seclusion.

What is bullying?

“Bullying is deliberately hurtful behaviour repeated often over a period of time or on isolated occasions, where somebody deliberately intimidates or harasses another”.

Bullying has been described by students as:

  • Name calling, which includes over social networking sites
  • Teasing
  • Physical abuse e.g. hitting, pushing, pinching or kicking
  • Having personal possessions taken e.g. bag or mobile phone
  • Receiving abusive text messages or emails
  • Being forced to hand over money
  • Being forced to do things they do not want to do
  • Being ignored or left out
  • Being attacked in any way

At the academy, we believe that:

  • Bullying is totally unacceptable
  • Bullying is a problem to which solutions can be found
  • Seeking help and openness are regarded as signs of strengths not weaknesses
  • All members of the academy community will be listened to and taken seriously
  • Everyone has the right to work and learn in an atmosphere that is free from fear
  • All of us have a responsibility to not abuse or bully others
  • Young people should talk to an adult if they are worried about bullying and have a right to expect that their concerns will be listened to and treated seriously