Mental Health
I cannot thank the school enough for identifying my child’s needs and then ensuring she got the support she needed. They have liaised with external agencies and worked tirelessly to ensure that my daughter is now on the path to wellbeing and positive mental health. The support which my daughter and I have received has been incredible. (A parent September)
Official Research Partner
We are pleased to announce that our school is an official Research Partner in the Education for Wellbeing programme. Read More ..
We believe that all young people deserve the best start in life, and know that our students’ mental health and wellbeing are vital to their ability to thrive and be the best; evidence shows that emotional and mental wellbeing are linked with attainment. Research shows that half of all mental health conditions are established before the age of fourteen, and our academic community plays a key role in supporting early identification and intervention.
The academy has a Designated Lead for Mental Health who has oversight of the academy wide approach to mental health and wellbeing; we are determined to enable and enhance the full potential of all our students. In 2022 we were delighted to be recognised by Leeds Beckett University for achieving the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools Award at gold level. The academy is well placed to refer students to specialist support or work jointly with others to support young people experiencing poor mental health.
I know that the school is looking out for me and I am grateful that they have never given up on me. (A Student)
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
The academy believes strongly that students’ mental health should be recognised and supported as much as physical health. We are proud that we have a fully trained Mental Health First Aider at the academy, who has been trained with MHFA England, the only provider of licensed Mental Health First Aid training in England. This means that we are well equipped to provide bespoke early intervention and support for our students in a timely manner. Any member of staff can refer a student for an initial MHFA assessment. Should you have any concerns regarding your child’s mental health please contact your child’s Head of Year who can make a referral on your behalf.
Mental Health First Aiders (ID 1099)
Miss H AshcroftMental Health First Aider
Miss H Ashcroft
Mrs P RobinsonMental Health First Aider
Mrs P Robinson
NHS Trailblazer
In 2018/19 the NHS launched the Trailblazer Programme; 25 areas were selected to run the initial wave of the project, and Kirklees was delighted to be one of the selected areas. Each area was allocated a Mental Health Support Team (MHST), whose main role is to provide earlier care for children and young people who may be experiencing mild to moderate or early symptoms of mental health problems, which tend to be outside the scope of traditional NHS services. The MHST offer both one to one support and group treatment sessions for children and young people and, where needed, provide referrals to specialist children and adolescent mental health services (CAHMS).
The academy has access to the MHST via fortnightly meetings with our Mental Health Practitioner. At this meeting students whom the academy feel would benefit from early support and intervention are discussed. Students may also refer themselves via their Head of Year; please note that students at an age of Gillick competence do not need to provide consent to share this meeting and discussion with parents / carers.
Huddersfield University Kindness Project
Did you know …
- Leonardo Da Vinci loved animals so much that he used to buy caged animals at the market just to set them free
- Carlos Vasquez, a dry cleaner in New York, has a sign outside his shop that reads: If you are unemployed and need an outfit clean for an interview, we will clean it for free
Kindness is the glue that binds every human community together. But what is kindness? Are we genetically programmed to be kind? Or do we learn its importance through our upbringing?
The academy is delighted to be working with and supporting Huddersfield University in the forthcoming academic year in an attempt to answer these questions. The university, in conjunction with the Kindness Research Foundation (, is launching a kindness project which will measure whether encouraging kindness among peers can contribute to improving students’ emotional, behavioural and academic success and overall school climate.The project has just been approved by the ethics committee of the School of Human and Health Sciences and will be led by Dr Mira Yaneva, BA, MSc, PhD, MBPsS.
What are the benefits of the project?
The project provides a platform for understanding and promoting kindness among adolescents. It is an insight into the factors that contribute to an overall individual and academic development. The project aims to improve overall school climate and friendship amongst students. Ultimately, the Kindness Research Foundation is passionate about introducing a kindness curriculum that could be adopted by individual schools.