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Alcohol and Drugs

It is important to understand the facts about alcohol and drugs so you can make informed decisions and keep yourself and others safe.


The Base is the local alcohol and drugs service for young people in Kirklees.

For more information, see their website: The Base | Kirklees in Recovery

The Base can also support young people who are impacted by drugs and alcohol.

You can also get more information and guidance on different kinds of drugs at the following places:

Talk to Frank for friendly, confidential advice 24/7 Tel:0300 1236600 or text 82111 to ask a question and FRANK will text you back.

Don't be a Zombie has information on a variety of different substances.

 Harmful Highs Leaflet

If you are concerned about alcohol and drug misuse, access support from the agencies above or by contacting The Safeguarding Team at the Academy on 01484 222230.