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Payments to Moor End Academy

Moor End Academy is now cashless. The following 2 options apply when making payments.

Parentpay (the preferred method)

Thank you to all our parents who have registered for parentpay, those who haven’t please email finance@edu.moorend.org with your child’s name and form to request log in details.

The finance department will pass the letter on to your child during morning registration.

The letter will give you instructions on how to activate your account with a system generated username and password which can then be changed once you are logged in.

If you had a parentpay account for your child in primary school and will like to carry on using the same account, you can do so by adding Moor End academy to your existing account by “add a child” option. The details of this will be given in the letter.


For anyone having trouble accessing the internet to register, they can request a paypoint card which is a plastic card that you can take to your nearest paypoint accepting shop (Nisa shop on Dryclough road) and top up at the shop with cash. The paypoint card takes up 10 working days to arrive at school.

To ensure money can be put on your childs account without any delay, the finance staff will print a barcoded letter until your paypoint card arrives. This will be a letter with a barcode specifically generated for your child, the barcoded letter can be used to top up at the paypoint accepting shop until the card arrives. For any queries regarding parentpay please email the finance team at finance@edu.moorend.org

Please always state your child’s name and form group so we can find your account efficiently.