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Online Safety for Parents

Dear Parents and Carers

The digital or ‘virtual’ world is a very exciting and ever-changing experience for both our youngsters and ourselves. Like many we can become overwhelmed at the speed of change and struggle to keep up with the latest innovations, inventions and apps and devices.

Equally, the potential and real dangers of the internet and of other digital communication is constantly there and developing in new and unexpected ways. At school we try to ‘educate’ our youngsters on how to stay safe on line and how to be aware of the potential dangers and pitfalls. To help in this aim, the school provides learning opportunities about cyber bullying/cyber safety in a series of lessons and assemblies.

What to trust online?  A Parents and Carers Guide

Doxxing a Parents Guide


The Academy Recommends the Use of the Following Websites to Find Out More Information

Internet Matters Connect Safely Stop Cyberbullying
Childline - Cyberbullying Think U Know


Advice on Unsafe Social Media Sites

What parents need to know about Omegel