Glossary of SEND Terminology
• Additional needs register - a list the pupils that have identified special educational needs and disabilities so that the academy can monitor the provision being put in place for the pupils. Pupils can come on and off the register at any time.
• Quality First Teaching - The notion that high quality teaching in lessons will meet almost all pupils’ needs well because teachers will tailor the teaching to different pupils’ needs.
• Differentiation – This is an important part of high quality teaching and means that pupils may be given different tasks or goals to others, have them presented in different ways or have more adult support in the lesson.
• Education Health Care Plans or EHCPs (previously known as Statements) – These are plans created by the local authority which outlines the support for children and young people aged up to 25 who need more support than is available through school. The plan outlines educational, health and social needs and set out the additional support required to meet those needs. There is a process involved in requesting an EHCP assessment that may include collating assessment reports from school, parents, the pupil and external agencies. There is a statutory annual review of an EHCP that takes place at least once a year.
• Graduated approach model – A system to remove barriers to learning and put effective provision in place. This takes the form of a four-part cycle; assess- plan – do – review. The on-going cycle ensure continuous support is in place and is reviewed regularly.
• Intervention – These are focused teaching programmes designed to enhance a pupil’s knowledge, understanding or skills. They can take place within a lesson or outside of the lesson. They can be for one pupil or for a group of pupils. They run for a set period when it is anticipated the pupil will have accelerated their learning. They delivered by classroom based support staff. They can cover any aspect of learning but are often to do with enhancing literacy and numeracy skills.
• Personalisation – Is recognising every child is an individual and therefore the Academy will respond to meet individual needs.
• One Page Profiles (sometime referred to as individual education plan or something similar) – This is a plan for a SEND pupil’s learning that supplements what the teacher has planned in lessons. They are created by keyworkers and shared with teachers to inform them about the pupil’s needs, the objectives being set and the most effective strategies to support them. These are reviewed regularly with teachers.
• SENDCO - the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator.
• ETA – Educational Teaching Assistant – Key workers specially trained in how to support students with SEND.