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Reading List - Year 9

Top 25 books for Year 9 students to read and enjoy.  A more comprehensive list can be downloaded below.


Metamorphosis by F Kafka
Animal Farm by G Orwell
In Cold Blood by T Capote


Martyn Pig by K Brooks
Road of the Dead by James Jauncey 

Different Cultures

Buffalo Soldier by Tanya Landeman (National Carnegie award Winner 2015)
The Middle of Nowhere by Geraldine McCaughrean (Carnegie award Shortlist 2015)
Refugee Boy by B Zephaniah
Shine by Candy Gourlay


The Color Purple by A Walker
Empire of the Sun by J G Ballard
On the Edge: My Story by R Hammond

Science Fiction

Divergent Series by Veronica Roth
Death of Grass by J Christopher


Noble conflict by Malorie Blackman (FAB Award Shortlist 2015)
Department 19 series by Will Hill
His Dark Materials Trilogy by P Pullman
The Otori Trilogy by L Hearn

History/Current Affairs

The Book Thief by M Zusak
Girl with a Pearl Earring by T Chevalier
Boy Soldier by A Mcnab &  R Rigby


Under her Skin by James Dawson
Dead Ends by Erin Lange (FAB Award Shortlist 2015)
The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by D Adams
So Much to Tell You by J Marsden

Year 9 Suggested Reading List