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Implementation (Draft)

PDF - Curriculum Model, Curriculum Organisation and Equity in the Curriculum

Distinct Parts

Our students study a full curriculum and we teach the full range of subjects for as long as possible, ensuring students receive their curriculum entitlement at key stage 3 and our curriculum is coherently planned and carefully sequenced towards building a solid platform for future learning and ultimately employment and engagement in a modern society.

KEA STAGE 3 (YEARS 7, 8 & 9) KEY STAGE 4 (YEARS 10 & 11)
Building upon (not repeating) the knowledge and skills developed at Key Stage 2, receiving the full breadth in their Key Stage 3 curriculum entitlement, ensuring firm foundations are laid for future success. Students move from developing new knowledge and skills to mastery level in a full range of subjects. Where students are able follow a full range of GCSE and vocational qualifications which they will sit at the end of Year 11 to support a successful progression to high quality institutions and courses post 16.

 Curriculum Model

Curriculum Model 2020-2021 - KS3 Curriculum Model 2020-2021 - KS4
Qualifications Overview  Curriculum Model 2019-2020

The curriculum for all our year groups and abilities is broad, balanced, inspiring and challenging, including a wide variety of relevant academic subjects and practical based subjects to prepare students fully and ensure that they have the knowledge and skills they need to be successful at school and in life and to support progression to the next stage.

Key Stage 3

Our students study a full key stage 3 curriculum. We have a deep belief that KS3 is where teachers can really instil love for a subject and set down strong roots of knowledge, skills and understanding. We believe that key stage 3 classes are the real bread and butter of teaching and the knowledge, skills and understanding that we equip pupils with from when they first come to us as 11-year-olds will prepare them for the challenges they will face at KS4.

Key Stage 4

  • Key Stage 4 options will be selected by students at the end of Year 9 to begin in Year 10 going forward.
  • We have a wide range of both academic and vocational subjects and qualifications on offer at key stage 4 which support the interests of our students along with successful transition to high quality post 16 further and higher destinations.
  • The Key Stage 4 curriculum ensures that all subjects have an appropriate allocation of time over the courses required to prepare students for the linear examinations at the end of Year 11 and/or other methods of assessment relevant to the course followed.
  • Our Key Stage 4 curriculum offer and the subjects available compliment the post 16 education offer locally and is responsive to the needs of the economy and labour market locally and nationally. Students study subjects which will enable them to transition successfully to the next stage of education and ultimately into employment successfully.
  • It is anticipated that around 45% of Year 11 in 2020/21 will complete the full range of EBACC subjects/ qualifications with the vast majority of the year group studying most of these subjects.

We believe that our curriculum is never static and should constantly evolve and develop. With this in mind it is under constant review in order to respond to a variety of changes. These changes may include: context, prior attainment, student choice, individual or cohort needs, destinations to further and higher educational establishments, economy and employment needs, national policy changes, parental views and qualification reforms.

Curriculum Organisation

  • Our students follow a one-week timetable which consists of 30 periods a week with 6 lessons a day with a 20-minute form period daily.
  • There are 8 classes/ 200 students in each year group.
  • In Years 7 and 8 there is both mixed ability and setting for students with the flexibility to move dependent on ability and/or progress in a particular subject.
  • In Year 9 students largely follow a similar range of subjects as part of their key stage 3 curriculum entitlement. All students take an option which they will follow through into key stage 4 as part of their curriculum.
  • In Years 10 and 11, students are organised into pathways. All students largely follow a core curriculum with some distinctive features for each pathway with a range of options in order to allow them to specialise and follow their interests.
  • Students largely follow an ambitious and academic curriculum with a range of EBACC subjects on offer.
  • At Key Stage 4 students are able take 9 qualifications at the end of Year 11 with a small number taking 10.

Equity in the curriculum

  • Our curriculum offer reflects a range of EBACC subjects for all students throughout key stage 3 and 4.
  • All students study a range of high-quality GCSE and vocational qualifications
  • The curriculum is organised and delivered by specialist subject leaders and teachers for all subjects and for all abilities.
  • We have a three-year key stage 3 model which enables students to study the full range of subjects in greater depth.
  • Students are largely set in key stage 3 to allow for movement dependent on ability in individual subjects.
  • A higher proportion of students study separate sciences than the national average.
  • The vast majority of students have exposure/ access to a modern foreign language.