Quick Links

Quick Links

How to Guides (Students)

 Office 365

Open the Moor End website (www.moorend.org)and open Student Links from the Portals tab.

Click on the Office365 icon and click Sign In.
On the next screen type your username and password.
Username is yourusername@edu.moorend.org.  The password is the same as your computer password you use at MEA.
If you are still not able to log in, contact the IT Helpdesk by email to IThelpdesk@moorend.on.spiceworks.com or logging onto the student help portal at https://moorend.on.spiceworks.com/portal/

Microsoft TEAMS Student Guide

On your own device we suggest that you install the Teams app
Visit here to download the Teams app on a desktop or to get a link for the mobile app.


Joining a 'live lesson'

Log into Office 365 (see instructions above).

Click on the Teams icon on the left panel.  
From within the Teams window, click on Teams, and then the Team that you need to complete work on or to view the lesson.
Once you are in the correct team you will see the meeting icon which is the lesson that you would normally be in. Click Join.

Once you have clicked to join the meeting (your lesson) check your microphone and camera are turned off.

  Video off         Microphone off

Click Join now.

To let the teacher know you have a question, click the raise your hand button.  

  To comment on the lesson or answer a question use the tab shown below to type in for the teacher to see.

Type your message in the chat box and click on the arrow to send.


Your questions or comments should be linked to the lesson only and not to communicate with the others in the lesson.


Completing and submitting an assignment or HW:

1. To complete an assignment you will need to open the assignment which will appear on your Posts. This will then show the full details of the assignments and any of the resources required to complete it.

2. ‘My work’ section will have any resources that you may need to use or the document to complete for the assignment.

3. To upload your assignment click the ‘Add work’ button and attach. If you need help with an assignment either email your teacher or ask through the posts section.

4. This video link here will talk though this process: Students Guide to Microsoft Teams - Completing Assignments (Homework/remote learning tasks) in Teams


Microsoft TEAMS attitude to learning expectations:
You will be expected to behave in a respectful manner during the ‘live lesson’ and engage with your learning. You will use the platform sensibly and follow the TEAMs student guide at all times.

Independent learner - Highly motivated and dedicated in their learning
Engaged learner – Dedicated and ‘on task’ with the live lessons
Coasting learner - Effort varies from reasonable to good, but not fully motivated
Concern learner - is often ‘off task’ unless closely supervised


Microsoft TEAMS learning sanctions:
Positive discipline will be followed for any inappropriate behaviour whilst using Microsoft TEAMs. Your parents will be contacted and you will have a comment on Behaviour Watch if you do not use Microsoft TEAMS respectfully. You must therefore:

• Never remove someone from the lesson.
• Post any comments that are not related to your learning or the lesson topic.
• Take over the lesson PPT and move slides during a lesson.

Teams Video Guides

For further assistance on using the features within Teams, you may want to watch the videos listed below.

How to Install Teams at Home

Your New Virtual Classroom

Attending Live Lessons

Completing Assignments

Sparx maths

Logging in to Sparx

Click the link from the Student Portal - this links to Moor End's Sparx portal automatically.

Click on the Log in to Sparx using Microsoft button.


What exactly is Sparx Maths Homework?

Sparx homework is tailored for you, and should offer you just the right level of challenge, based on the topics that your teacher has set.

Homework contains 3 elements: Compulsory, XP Boost and Target.

All questions in the Compulsory section must be answered correctly for the homework to be marked as complete. Each task bar will show as green when fully complete. For the homework to be classed as complete, all task bars for that homework need to be fully green. The percentage of homework complete will show on the menu page.

XP Boost questions are at a similar level to Compulsory, and offer extra practice.

Target questions have been designed to challenge you. Your parent/guardian will receive a link to a video in their parent email each week, to help them offer you support and encouragement with your Target homework.

However if you get too much assistance with your homework, Sparx may think you’re able to tackle more difficult questions and your work could get harder. To prevent this,  attempt the question first and then watch the support video before getting help.


Top tips for parents

Introduction Letter for Parents




Activating your GCSEPod account (First time log in)

1.  Go to www.gcsepod.com and click 'Login'.

2.  Click on ‘New to GCSEPod? Get Started’.

3.  Select ‘Student’ and enter your full name, date of birth and the name of your school.

4.  Set a username and password for your account.  Use your school email address as the rescue email address.

You’ll then be logged in for the first time! Next time just go straight to the login page and enter the username and password you created.


Student Account Troubleshooting

Forgotten your password?

If you cannot remember your password then don’t worry there are a few ways you can recover this and get logged in:

1. Remember your password from your password hint
2. Reset the password through a password reset email.
3. Our team reset your password for you
4. Ask your teacher if they can reset your password

* If you have forgotten your username you can find this through methods 1 or 4 *


Method 1:  Remember your password from your password hint

1. On the login page click on ‘Need help? Forgotten my login details’

2. Select ‘Student’ and provide your name, date of birth and the name of your school

3. The password hint will be shown and the your may remember your password from it. This will also tell you your username.


Method 2:  Reset the password through a password reset email.

1. If the hint does not work then on the same page enter your email address and select ‘Send Reset Link’

2. An email will be sent to that address with a link to reset your password.

* Please note this is only available if you provided a reset email when activating your account or through the ‘My Account’ section when logged in previously. *


Method 3:  Our team reset your password for you

1. Our support team are on hand to help with log in issues. On the bottom left of the login page see the ‘Need Help’ speech bubble and click on the + sign on the banner.

2. This will open up a chat window to get immediate support from a member of our team. To reset a student’s password they will ask for your full name, date of birth and the name of your school.

Our team will provide a temporary password for you to log in with and once logged in you should then change this to something more secure.

* If live chat is not available then our support team can also be called on 0191 338 7830 between 8.30am and 5pm. We are also contactable by email to support@gcsepod.com *


Method 4:  Ask your teacher if they can reset your password 

Your teacher is able to reset your password and access your username through their own login. If you are able ask them if they can log in and do this for you. Ask your teacher to follow the below steps to do so: 

1. Please sign in to your GCSEPod account and click on ‘Monitor & Manage’ from the home page.

2. On the top right of the page enter your student’s name in the User Search bar and click ‘Search’.

3. Your student’s account information should appear below. You can also get their username here if they are unsure of this:

4. Look to the right on their record and click on ‘Reset Password’ under the ‘Actions’ column.


5. Reset the student’s password for them by entering a new one and clicking ‘Submit’.


Still can’t get logged in?

If you still are unable to get logged in then there may be another issue with your account which needs to be resolved by your school. Please let your teacher know about the issue. They can then get support from our team and we will help them resolve any problems with your account. If you need support which has not been covered by this guide then please do get in touch with us. We’re available on 0191 338 7830 between 8am and 5.30pm or by email to support@gcsepod.com.


AD&T Photoshop Help Guides

 Selective Color Photo Effect in Photoshop

Selective Color Photo Effect in Photoshop

Alberto Seveso Photopea Tutorial

Marcelo Monreal Photopea Tutorial- Part 1

Martin O'Neill Photoshop Tutorial

Tyler Spangler Photopea Tutorial- Part 2


Loui Jover Photopea Tutorial- Part 1​

Loui Jover Photopea Tutorial- Part 2​

Loui Jover Photopea Tutorial- Part 3​

Loui Jover Photopea Tutorial- Part 4​


Lucas Simoes: Creating an Inspired Response
