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Curriculum Intent and Why (Draft)

Curriculum Intent

As part of our world class vision, we strongly believe in offering a broad, balanced, rich and inclusive curriculum experience, where each student is challenged academically & prepared with the knowledge, skills and understanding relevant for adult life and employment.

We passionately believe that, as educators, we have the power and responsibility to inspire our students to be the best they can be and it’s our view that our students should be challenged and not limited. Therefore, our curriculum is designed and tailored to provide opportunities for students to develop as independent, confident and successful learners who think critically and have high aspirations for future learning and employment. As a result of the high expectations our team have of every child and their abilities both at Moor End, and beyond, our students are empowered to have big ambitions to achieve their passports to success.

How the curriculum intent will be implemented:


 Why are we doing this and why is it right for our students and community 


 We believe that our curriculum should never be static and should constantly evolve and develop. With this in mind it is under constant review in order to respond to a variety of changes. These changes may include: context, prior attainment, student choice, individual or cohort needs, destinations to further and higher educational establishments, economy and employment needs, national policy changes, parental views and qualification reforms.