Academy Context
Moor End is a converter Academy that opened on 17th August 2011.
Moor End is a high performing, and truly inclusive school, that welcomes students of all abilities. At the heart of what we do is high quality teaching and pastoral care, overseen by strong and ambitious leadership. We have an ethos based on positive relationships and a culture of mutual respect which enables us to provide a safe, stimulating and challenging learning environment so that every student has the best possible opportunities to succeed and excel and become independent and aspirational learners.
Academy Context
Moor End Academy serves a community with a high level of social deprivation. The “Index of Multiple Deprivation” banding shows 19.52% of our students in the “10% most deprived category”, 43.49% of our students in the “10-20% most deprived category” and 13.10% in the “20-30% most deprived category”. A very low percentage of our students come from families who are regarded as being in the “least deprived” categories.
Over 40% of our students are from disadvantaged backgrounds | |
Over 15% of our students have a special educational need
Around 3% have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) |
Our Local Context (Kirklees)
- The Crosland Moor & Netherton ward has one of the highest unemployment rates within Kirklees (5%) and significantly higher than Kirklees (4.5%), Yorks & Humber (4.1%) and Great Britain (3.8%)
- 18.67% of the unemployed in Kirklees were in the 16-24-year-old category with 58% in the 25-34 category
Starting Points
Student’s Average Points Score (APS) on entry is on the whole significantly behind their peers nationally. However, despite students arriving at the academy with KS2 scores significantly below national (-2.4), including the proportion of disadvantaged students being significantly larger compared to national rates and deprivation indicators placing the academy in the 5% of most deprived schools nationally, the academy has historically performed above national levels when it comes to the Progress 8 benchmark.
Our intake includes a range of students from the three prior attaining groups (high, middle and lower). Our curriculum therefore needs to support and challenge all groups so they can make excellent progress in their time at the academy.
The number of students who are identified as having an additional need (SEND) is above national.
We have 39% of students where English is not their first language against a national figure of 16%, putting the academy in the top 20% of schools nationally.
On entry prior attainment at key stage 2 for our students is well below the national comparator for the following: reading, writing and mathematics.
What is Unique About MEA?
We have an ethos based on strong relationships and a culture of mutual respect.
Our mission statement: “Be the best – become the leaders of tomorrow!” and our core values of ‘respect, ‘ambition’ and ‘responsibility’ are fully embedded and permeate throughout the establishment.
We are a truly inclusive and diverse school that welcomes students of all abilities.
88% of our students are from minority ethnic groups and 39% of students do not have English as their first language.
There are more than 36 languages spoken at MEA.
We are oversubscribed and the school of choice in the area with over 300 applications for Year 7 in the last two years.
We deliver a highly ambitious and academic curriculum to support progression to high quality post 16 destinations.
Our students are able to access separate sciences and the full EBACC
In March 2021, Moor End Academy students were recognised as being World Class and we were accredited with the prestigious ‘World Class Schools Quality Mark’