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What You Will See @ Moor End

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What you will see in our Academy 

  • The vision is clear and aspirational and leaders have created an ethos based on strong relationships and a culture of mutual respect.

  • The first thing that hits you at MEA is the feeling of the place. The ethos is there for all to see and feel. It permeates throughout the establishment as staff work as a collective team who go above and beyond for our school community.

  • Leaders set high expectations of pupils and staff. Our core values of respect, ambition and responsibility underpin everything we do on a daily basis and staff lead by example to create a culture of respect and tolerance

  • The staff are buoyant in their attitudes, morale is high and they are fully behind the principal’s vision.

  • A strong culture of high expectations and accountability exists within the Academy. More effective quality assurance procedures are in place to check and evaluate the school’s work.

  • A strong culture of safeguarding and pastoral care for students permeates the academy. Training for staff includes level 1 online safeguarding training alongside regular in house training to highlight some of the key themes/ aspects at both a local and national level.

  • Actions taken by leadership have transformed behaviour and attitudes as well as learning and teaching. A culture of high quality teaching and pastoral care, overseen by strong and passionate leadership are now fully embedded which will enable us to strive to achieve our ambitious vision of being the best!

Quality of Education

What you will see in our Academy 

  • A full review of the curriculum at subject level has ensured that core knowledge is identified, highlighted—and the acquisition and retention of this measured via clear end-points, and diagnostic assessments to identify any gaps which need to be addressed.

  • Our 5 phase lessons begin with pace, and the Grapple activity immediately engages students with independent learning. Staff use a range of strategies to check student progress and understanding through each phase of the lesson, and students are encouraged to collaborate with one another to share – and reflect upon – their learning journey.

  • Our students relish the opportunity to work independently to demonstrate their learning and progress, and Red Zone allows them to build their writing stamina at the same time as they produce extended, independent work. RZ is highly-tailored, so that students are able to reach their full potential and engage with tasks set in a meaningful way.

  • As a result of our high-quality curriculum intent and implementation, students at MEA are able to articulate their learning journey, reflecting on how they know more, remember more, and are able to do more in each subject over time.

  • We know that excellent teachers have exceptional impact, and by investing in our staff and embedding research-informed strategies so that they are consistently implemented we know that we can ensure strong practice across the curriculum. Our staff benefit from our philosophy of ‘fewer things in greater depth’, and the quality of our professional development was recognised when we achieved the CollectivED Award in Coaching, Mentoring and Professional Learning.

Behaviour and Attitudes

What you will see in our Academy 

  • The Academy is a safe and caring environment in which pupils show respect for each other and adults.

  • Relationships between teachers and pupils are strong, creating a very positive environment for learning.

  • The Academy is a highly orderly environment and students conduct themselves well throughout the day.

  • Students respond quickly to instructions and requests from staff, allowing lessons to flow smoothly and without interruption. Low-level disruption is rare.

  • In lessons, students are ambitious, confident, self-assured and engaged learners. They rise to the challenge of high expectations and work hard in lessons and demonstrate pride in the presentation in their work. The vast majority of pupils make the most of every minute of their lessons, with no time wasted.

  • Pupils wear their uniform with pride and are proud to be Moorenders.

  • Students enjoy coming to school and attendance is well above national with disadvantaged attendance more than 4% above national.

Personal Development

What you will see in our Academy 

  •  Personal development at the academy is integral to all that we do, and is carefully planned. Our weekly tutor period overview enhances student literacy and oracy, empowering students to discuss local, national and global issues with confidence. In addition to this, our personal development framework incorporates RSE, safeguarding, British Values, SMSC, careers and enrichment. 
  • Student voice:  Student voice matters and we have a large leadership group. In addition to these, the academy also supports The Royal British Legion and Children in Need. 
  • RSHE: Our curriculum meets all statutory requirements and is carefully planned to ensure the content is age and stage appropriate. Our DSL works closely with the RSHE lead. In addition, we are proud that we have a student HSB working party who contribute to the curriculum in this area.  
  • Careers: We are delighted to hold the CEIAG Quality in Standards benchmark. Our offer is planned across a five-year framework and aligns with both Gatsby benchmarks and the new CDI framework.
  • Extra-curricular: Our KS3 offer has a huge range of activities, so there is something for everyone within the 26 different clubs.
  • Mental health and wellbeing: we have a fully trained Mental Health First Aider who is also the Assistant Safeguarding Officer. The academy is proud to hold the silver level of the Carnegie Schools Mental Health Award and is currently working towards achieving gold.
  • Cultural capital: Our students benefit from a vast range of opportunities, including Oxford University visits and speakers, scientific bake-offs, theatre company visits and mock trials, to name but a few!


Staff Feedback

What our staff say about working in our Academy
