Pupil Premium Grant
Background to the Pupil Premium Grant
Introduced in April 2011, the Pupil Premium (PP) is additional government funding used exclusively to provide and implement a range of activities and strategies to help disadvantaged children and young people do well at school by providing extra intervention to enable them to achieve their full potential. The Government believes that Pupil Premium funding is the best way to address the current inequalities between children eligible for FSM and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.
The Government have provided a fixed amount of Pupil Premium funding to schools per student, based upon the number of pupils that have registered for Free School Meals (currently or within the previous six academic years) and those that have been looked after by the Local Authority (within the previous six months).
- Moor End Academy provides an excellent education to a local community with a high level of social deprivation. The “Index of Multiple Deprivation” banding shows 17.13% of our students in the “Worst 10% deprived category”, 75.46% of our students in the “Worst 10-30% deprived category”. A very low percentage of our students come from families who are regarded as being in the “Least deprived” categories.
- This indicates that whilst a number of our students may qualify for free school meals and/or attract pupil premium funding a high number of our students do come from some of the most deprived and challenging circumstances when compared locally (within Kirklees) and nationally.
- All members of staff and governors are committed to meeting the academic, pastoral and social needs of every student irrespective of background. Pupil premium funding is therefore directed to ensuring an equality of opportunity for all learners.
Objectives in spending Pupil Premium Funding
- Diminish any gaps in attainment and progress outcomes between those students from deprived backgrounds against national for non-disadvantaged by the end of Key Stage 4;
- Increase attainment and improve progress outcomes for disadvantaged students in English and maths;
- Reduce exclusions and improve attitudes to learning/school for disadvantaged students;