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Local Academy Board

Current Members


Local Academy Board (ID 1095)

  • Mr P Turner (Chair)
  • Mrs N Carman (Principal - MEA)
    Ex Officio
  • Miss D Kelly (Principal - BPA)
    Ex Officio
  • Mrs Z Doyle (Vice Chair)
  • Mrs S Cunningham
  • Miss M Holland
    Staff Governor (BPA)
  • Mr M Afzal
    Parent Governor (MEA)

To contact P Turner, Chair of Governors, please send correspondence to

Moor End Academy, Dryclough Road, Crosland Moor, Huddersfield HD4 5JA 


Current Members

Name Category How Appointed Term of Office
Start Date End Date
Sarah Cunningham Governor Appointed by Trustees 28/04/21 27/04/25
Zillah Doyle Governor Appointed by Trustees 14/12/21 13/12/25
Debbie Kelly Principal BPA Ex Officio 22/03/16 n/a
Natasha Carman Principal MEA Ex Officio 20/02/23 n/a
Mary Holland Staff Governor BPA Elected by BPA Staff 09/06/22 08/06/26
Paul Turner Governor Appointed by Trustees 22/03/20 21/03/24
Mohammad Afzal Parent Governor MEA Elected Unopposed 14/10/20 13/10/24
Sarah Walker Parent Governor Elected TBC TBC

Previous Members (With Resignation/End dates)

Name Category How Appointed Term of Office
Start Date End Date
Richard Edginton Staff Governor MEA Elected Unopposed 19/01/21 21/07/23
Kash Rafiq Principal MEA Ex Officio 16/04/18 19/02/23
Asia Majid Parent Governor BPA Appointed by BPA Parents 02/02/22 09/03/23
Kevin Johns Governor Appointed by Trustees 14/12/20 11/03/23
Mohammed Shafiq Governor Appointed by Trustees 14/09/20 Resigned 01/08/22
Fiona Thomson Staff Governor BPA Elected Unopposed 14/03/18 13/03/22
Angela Robinson Governor Appointed by Trustees 28/04/21 Resigned 17/09/21
Hafiz Ur Rehman Staff Governor MEA Elected by MEA Staff 06/02/19 Resigned 04/12/20

Responsibilities and Committees

Governors with responsibility 2023-24

Name Position Held Term
Paul Turner Chair
LAC/Safeguarding Champion
Health and Safety Champion
11/10/23 - 10/10/24
Zillah Doyle Vice Chair
Pupil Premium Champion
11/10/23 - 10/10/24
Natasha Carman EYFS Champion 11/10/23 - 10/10/24
Sarah Cunningham RSE Champion 11/10/23 - 10/10/24
Mohammad Afzal SEND Champion

11/10/23 - 10/10/24

Mary Holland Mental health & Wellbeing Champion

11/10/23 - 10/10/24

Debbie Kelly Careers Champion

11/10/23 - 10/10/24

2023-24 Committees

Sub-Committee for Beaumont Primary Academy
Name Category

How appointed

to Committee

Term of Office
Start Date End Date
Sarah Cunningham (Chair) Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 11/10/23 10/10/24
Zillah Doyle Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 11/10/23 10/10/24
Debbie Kelly Principal Ex Officio n/a n/a
Sub-Committee for Moor End Academy
Name Category

How appointed

to Committee

Term of Office
Start Date End Date
Mary Holland Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 11/10/23 10/10/24
Paul Turner (Chair) Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 11/10/23 10/10/24
Natasha Carman Principal Ex Officio n/a n/a
Kash Rifiq Principal Ex Officio n/a 19/02/23

2022-23 Committees

Sub-Committee for Beaumont Primary Academy
Name Category

How appointed

to Committee

Term of Office
Start Date End Date
Sarah Cunningham (Chair) Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 12/10/22 11/10/23
Zillah Doyle Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 12/10/22 11/10/23
Kevin Johns Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 12/10/22 11/03/23
Debbie Kelly Principal Ex Officio n/a n/a
Sub-Committee for Moor End Academy
Name Category

How appointed

to Committee

Term of Office
Start Date End Date
Mary Holland Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 12/10/22 11/10/23
Asia Majid Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 12/10/22 09/03/23
Paul Turner (Chair) Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 12/10/22 11/10/23
Natasha Carman Principal Ex Officio 20/02/23 n/a
Kash Rifiq Principal Ex Officio n/a 19/02/23

2021-22 Committees

Sub-Committee for Beaumont Primary Academy
Name Category

How Appointed to Committee

Term of Office
Start Date End Date
Sarah Cunningham Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 13/10/21 12/10/22
Zillah Doyle Parent Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 13/10/21 12/10/22
Kevin Johns Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 13/10/21 12/10/22
Debbie Kelly Principal Appointed by Local Academy Board 13/10/21 12/10/22
Sub-Committee for Moor End Academy
Name Category

How Appointed to Committee

Term of Office
Start Date End Date
Mohammed Shafiq Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 13/10/21 12/10/22
Mary Holland Staff Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 09/06/22 12/10/22
Paul Turner Governor Appointed by Local Academy Board 13/10/21 12/10/22
Kash Rafiq Principal Appointed by Local Academy Board 13/10/21 12/10/22

Business Interests

Current Members

Name Relevant Business and Pecuniary Interests
Mohammad Afzal None
Natasha Carman

CCT Member

Sarah Cunningham NEU Member
Zillah Doyle None
Mary Holland None
Debbie Kelly ASCL Member
Paul Turner None

Full Register of Business Interests 2023-24

Previous Members

Name Relevant Business and Pecuniary Interests
R Edginton None
Kevin Johns Spouse employee at MEA
Asia Majid None
Angela Robinson None
Hafiz Ur Rehman None


2022-23 - Current Members

Name Attendance at meetings 2022/23
Mohammad Afzal 4 out of possible 5
Natasha Carman 3 out of possible 3
Sarah Cunningham 4 out of possible 5
Zillah Doyle 2nout of possible 5
Mary Holland 3 out of possible 5
Debbie Kelly 4 out of possible 5
Paul Turner 5 out of possible 5

2022-23 - Members who resigned or whose term ended

Richard Edginton 4 out of possible 5
Kevin Johns 2 out of possible 3
Asia Majid 1 out of possible 3
Kash Rafiq 1 out of possible 2


Name Attendance at meetings 2021/22
Mohammad Afzal 4 out of possible 4
Sarah Cunningham 2 out of possible 4
Zillah Doyle 4 out of possible 4
Richard Edginton 1 out of possible 4
Mary Holland 2 out of possible 4
Kevin Johns 4 out of possible 4
Debbie Kelly 4 out of possible 4
Asia Majid 3 out of possible 4
Kash Rafiq 4 out of possible 4
Paul Turner 4 out of possible 4



Local Academy Board Meetings
(2023-24) All meetings to be at Moor End Academy











Local Academy Board Sub-Committee Meetings - Moor End Academy
(2023 - 24)

Wednesday 22nd November 2023
Time: 1.00pm
Venue: Moor End Academy

Wednesday 24th April 2024
Time: 1.00pm
Venue: Moor End Academy

Committee Terms of Reference

Sub-Committee for Moor End Academy 2023-24

Sub-Committee for Moor End Academy 2022-23

Sub-Committee for Moor End Academy 2021-22


Role of the Governing Body

Information about the role of the governing body can be found in the Scheme of Delegation.

How to become a governor

If you are interested in becoming a governor, please contact Mrs Smith, PA to the Executive Principal at the academy for further information. When there is a vacancy for a parent governor all parents will be informed, and you will have a chance to stand for election.

Before you put yourself forward, please talk to your employer. Many employers recognise the role of school governor as useful work experience and may offer paid leave as part of their initiative to give back to the community.