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SIMS Online Services

SIMS Parent

Web Browser






An email will be sent inviting you to become a SIMS Parent App user. You will receive a registration email from noreply@sims.co.uk containing a unique invitation code. If you have not yet received a registration email, please check your SPAM or JUNK folder. You don’t need to make a copy of the code as it will be entered for you. 

Setting up an account for SIMS Online Services


You will need to create an account using SIMS ID that you can use every time you sign in to a SIMS Online Service.  Once you have created your account, you can use it for other SIMS Online Services you are invited to by the school, although you will still need to complete the registration for the new service. Parents can see all their children at the school using this account. School staff can see all their SIMS Online Services using this account.

In this document, you will be guided through these steps:

This examples uses SIMS Parent, but it is the same process for other SIMS Online Services.

NOTE: Parents who have more than one child at a school using SIMS Online Services will only have to register once at that school. Once registered, all pupil/students at that school will be visible. Parents who have children at different schools that also use SIMS Online Services will need to register for each school and will only ever be able to view one school at a time.

How to create an account using SIMS ID?

1.  To avoid accidentally registering with the wrong account (especially if you are working on a shared computer), sign out of all accounts or use a private browser window.


2.  Click the Accept Invitation button in the invitation email from noreply@sims.co.uk. If you cannot find this email, please check your SPAM/Junk folder before contacting your school.


3.  The Activate Your Account screen is displayed. The Invitation Code field is already filled with the unique code from your email. Enter your email address as Username and click the Next button.






4.  At the Account Registration screen, answer the security question and click the Next button.

This is for security purposes only. This information will not be used in the SIMS Online Services system.



5.  At the Create a Strong Password screen, create a password for the new account you are creating and click the Next button.

At least one capital letter

At least one number

At least one special character

At least 8 characters


6.  Once your account has been registered, you need to validate it. Check your email for an email from SIMSID Registration.



NOTE: At this point your account is created. You can return to your product and log in using the details you have submitted. We advise all customers to validate their account as shown in the next step to enable email-based password recovery.


7.  Click the Verify My Email button in the SIMS ID Registration email.



8.  Click the Sign In button on the screen confirming your email
address has been validated.



9.  At the Register your account for SIMS Products screen, enter your newly created username (i.e. your email address) and password, then click the Sign in button.





10.  The first time you use your SIMS ID account, you will be prompted to Set Security Questions. Answer all three security questions, then click the Save and Continue button to launch your SIMS Online Service.





Accessing the System

SIMS Parent system can be accessed directly on a web browser or via a mobile app.

Web Browser






Download the App (it is very important that you complete the online registration BEFORE you try and register in the app)

The SIMS Parent app can be downloaded for free from the Apple Store (iOS) or the Play Store.

Open the Play Store or Apple Store on your device.

Using the Search facility, enter SIMS Parent.

Select SIMS Parent by Capita Plc from the search results.

Tap READ MORE for more information or INSTALL to download the app.

Once the app has downloaded successfully, tap Open to register and start using the app.

 Log into the app using the same email account that you completed the registration with. 

Please accept the notifications so that you will be prompted when you have messages from school.

You should now be able to see your child’s ‘dashboard’.

How to use the Data Collection Sheet feature

Once you have signed into the SIMS Parent App or SIMS Parent website, you will be able to see your child(ren), tap on each child to go through to the options available, in this case Data Collection Sheet.


If, once you have reviewed the data, there are no changes, please ensure that you tap/click the Confirm No Changes button.

If you have made any changes, please make sure you tap/click the Save button to ensure the changes are submitted back to the school.

Once the school has reviewed your changes, you will received a message, within the SIMS Parent App Messages section to confirm that they have been approved.

How to Access the School Details Screen


On the right hand top corner of the screen, there is a Menu  option. If you tap/click on Menu, a list of options will be presented. If you tap on School Details, you will be presented with the Address and Contact Details of the school, as well as useful Term Dates for the current Academic Year, including any planned Inset Days.