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Year 11 Say Goodbye at Prom 2023

Once again we hosted our annual year 11 prom at Berties in Elland on Wednesday 21st June. It was a delightful evening, planned to perfection by our very own Head of  Year 11, Ms Greaves!

Year 11s arrived dressed to impress. The evening was full of fun, food and laughter.   The students were able to enjoy capturing memories via the use of the photo booth and the 360-spin photo booth.  This was at the request of the Head students and was a very big hit with both students and staff!

After the buffet meal, students were able to dance the night away! It was definitely a night to remember.   We would like to wish our year 11s all the best and cannot wait to welcome them back on results day!

Mrs Akhtar,

Associate Assistant Principal

Prom 2023