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Moor End Academy One Step Closer to World Class

15th October 2019 saw our World Class Ambassador Shifaa and her team travel to Reading to participate in the final assessment stage for the 2019 World Class Schools Quality Mark accreditation. The award’s uniqueness lies in the fact that the students are assessed with regard to whether they are World Class or not, rather than the school itself. The premise is that if the school is truly World Class, then its students should be able to demonstrate this in whatever context they find themselves.

This year students from just 25 UK schools got through this stage, and were given the challenge of working in terms to design a ‘Classroom of the future’ for UTC Reading, a modern, innovative, ‘future proof’ and environmentally sustainable learning space. Working in teams of primary and secondary students combined, students were required to carry out pre-event planning, research and design work, laying the groundwork for the assessment day, during which they would meeting with consultants to seek expert help before creating designs, brochures, films, and a 3D model of the space. At the end of the day each team presented their designs to a panel of industry experts, who helped to assess whether students had World Class skills and competencies to secure their school WCSQM accreditation.

This was the final stage of the rigorous application process schools follow in order to gain the coveted title of World Class. Initially, the school is recommended by another World Class school or leading educational organisation, and the school’s achievement data is assessed to shortlist. At the third stage the World Class students carry out an audit to identify what it is about their school that has made them World Class. The audit involved the creation of a video, ‘A week in the life of Moor End Academy’ demonstrating how the school is World Class on a day to day basis.

Final results will be revealed on 11th November – watch this space!

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