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The 'RAP at MEA

At Moor End Academy, we understand the importance of our students making progress; in fact, our progress has been above the national average since ‘Progress 8’ was first introduced as a measure! This year, we’re investing even more effort into Y11 progress than ever before – and it’s called the ‘RAP’! Ultimately, the aim is for us to be in the top 5% of schools nationally for progress – then we can truly say that we are ‘World Class’!

The ‘Raising Attainment Plan’, or RAP for short, uses data to identify areas that we need to focus on. As a team, SLT then look at individual students and decide what we can do to best support them at this crucial time. It’s important to us that we consider the specific needs of each child, and this is why we avoid a ‘one size fits all’ approach. However, it’s not just about what we can do for you – it’s about what you will do for yourself! No students ever look back on Year 11 and say ‘I wish I’d put in less effort, and done less revision’… it’s always the other way around!

Year 11 will fly by, for both students and staff! Maximise the time that you have so that you can leave Moor End Academy with your ‘passport to success’!