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Presentation Evening

Last night saw Moor End Academy host its annual Presentation evening at the magnificent Town Hall. Current students received recognition for their attainment and achievement in the curriculum, and former students were presented with their GCSE certificates. Other awards also included 100% attendance, Duke of Edinburgh and Inspire Me Gold, an award which measures students against a number of categories, including contribution to the academy.

The event was extremely well attended, and was supported by Ms Jane Acklam OBE, Chief Executive Officer of South Pennine Academies Trust and Mr Steve Lees, Link Trustee. The Principal Kash Rafiq shared his vision “Be the BEST! Become the leaders of tomorrow!” and of how important it was to him that our community have respect, ambition and responsibility. Our Head Boy Brwa Hassan and Head Girl Sara Shafi gave an incredible speech, showing their leadership skills at their very best.

The academy is currently over-subscribed, with a waiting list for September 2019. The Director of World Class Schools, Miranda Perry has also visited this academic year and has agreed that Moor End has what it takes to be a world class school. The academy goes from strength to strength – watch this space!

Head Girl & Head Boy Speech


As Head Girl and Head Boy of Moor End Academy we would also like to extend a warm welcome you to tonight at our annual Presentation Evening.

As adolescents growing up in the rapidly changing 21st century, we hear countless negative stereotypes about our age group; that we are lazy, rude and selfish. I could go on. Moreover, we are living in an unprecedented era of social media and its influence on how we see both ourselves and others. Indeed, social media bombards us with constant pressure to be perfect, combined with unrealistic imagery and lifestyles with which we are made to compare ourselves. So then, opportunities to reinforce the pride in ourselves, celebrate our achievements and solidify our bond as a school community are welcomed. Read more...