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Open Evening

The academy's Open Evening was held on Thursday 27th September, and what an amazing event it was! We had the highest record ever of visitors, with an incredible 17 different primary schools represented. Feedback from visitors "It was amazing!" "Thoroughly enjoyable evening" "Wonderful school!". Please see below copies of the speeches made by our Head Boy and Head Girl.

Sara Shafi - Head Girl

Thank you for joining us this evening, its so lovely to see so many of you here.  Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Sara Shafi. As a year 11 pupil and current head girl I am well versed in all the wonderful things Moor end Academy has to offer. I have attended the Academy since 2014, when I began my secondary education as a fresh-faced year 7.  Read More...

 Brwa Hassan - Head Boy

Good evening and welcome to our wonderful academy! My name is Brwa Hassan, and I have the privilege of being head boy at Moor End Academy. Following on from Mr Rafiq’s presentation, I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you my story about being a student at Moor End Academy.  Read More...


"Team English are ready for you, but are you ready for them?!"

Parent Feedback

Thank you very much for your excellent open evening which we attended last night.  My daughter and I were extremely impressed.  She especially enjoyed the art and science sessions, and had a ball trying out your fabulous trampolines in the P.E. department!  The evident enthusiasm of your teaching staff was infectious, and it was clear they are able to incite passion for their respective specialist subjects in all pupils which is a very rare thing.  It was a joy to behold.

The presentations made by you and your head students were also exceptional and resonated strongly with me.