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Meet the Safeguarding Team at Moor End Academy

Safeguarding is a term used in schools to ensure measures are in place to protect young people and children.

For the remainder of this half term your key contacts around safeguarding will include:

•  Mr J Wilson (Acting Designated Safeguarding Lead, Vice Principal);

•  Miss A Batley (Deputy Safeguarding Lead);

•  Ms K Corson (Interim Deputy Safeguarding Lead);

•  Mrs K Hutley (Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Assistant Principal).

All staff share an objective to help keep children and young people safe by contributing to:

•  A stimulating safeguarding curriculum;

•  Identifying vulnerable students and implementing measures to ensure they are protected.

We will be hosting some informative community events, in partnership with our community hub, over the course of this academic year that will update you as to what we are doing here at Moor End to keep your children safe and this will also be an opportunity to come and meet us should you have anything to discuss.