MFL Club
When learning a new language, it is key to have a real passion for discovering the world
around you and a motivation to widen your perspective of other cultures and communities; that is exactly the type of students found at Moor End Academy attending
MFL club every Thursday.
These students are dedicated to expanding their knowledge and ensure they are getting the most out of their language learning. They show a deep thirst for languages by taking ownership of their learning and creating innovative resources testing not only
knowledge of the Spanish language, but also highlighting the importance of a great
cultural understanding. They choose the new vocabulary they would like to acquire and
each session is completely student-led, showing their drive to ‘become the leaders of
tomorrow’. They give up their own time after school each week to work collaboratively
with students from all over MEA, including a taster session of other languages, even
showcasing their own mother tongue!
Language club is open to all KS3 students – please see Miss McConnell for more
Miss McConnell