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History's 'Big Screen' Premier

As part of the history department’s new Enrichment Programme, the ‘Big Screen’ was launched in February, with 90 students attending a showing of the film, ‘The Zookeeper’s Wife’ to further their own passion and knowledge of the Nazi occupation of Poland. Students across Y9, 10 and 11 turned out with friends and snacks (!) after school to immerse themselves in the history topics and characters they study within the classroom. The film even received two rounds of applause at the end!

Some of our favourite quotes from students:


I loved the movie night because we had the chance to use our lecture theatre - it was perfect! It was a great idea because it was a chance to watch history films we hadn’t seen before, and also, it was a chance for friends to spend time together whilst still in school!


Y11 Student


The ‘History Big Screen’, was a great idea because it allowed us to spend time getting knowledge for our exam, in an interesting way with people who also have a love for history.


Y10 Student


The “Big Screen” was an impressive idea and was interesting.  I enjoyed this as it made me have a greater interest in history. Now I understand how and why the Zabinski family helped the Jews in the Warsaw Zoo. I recommend the “Big Screen” – you won’t regret coming


Y9 Student

The ‘Big Screen’ runs every half term, showing history films selected by the students themselves; everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend a night at Moor End’s very own cinema! Our next showing is ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ in April 2019 – see you there!

Miss Barraclough - Curriculum Leader of Humanities