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Fabulous Fundraising

During the past year, students and staff alike have had to deal with an array of unusual and unprecedented circumstances, but students at MEA did what they do best - worked harder than ever to ensure their learning was their most important priority!

When students were finally allowed to take their rightful places back in the classroom, a handful of pupils decided that something exciting needed to be done to reward MEA students and staff for all their continuous hard work. Tolani in 8AMC led a group of students who campaigned tirelessly for a non-uniform day to celebrate the students’ efforts and to raise money for their year group’s chosen charities. Their efforts paid off and they were rewarded handsomely!

The student council joined in to offer a bake sale to raise even more money and stayed after school the day before to bake as many buns as they could manage. All in all, we raised an enormous £1131.72 thanks to students and staff bringing in £1 to wear their
own clothes for the day and the success of the bake sale.

A HUGE thank you to those that campaigned, participated, and upheld the MEA way throughout the day. You truly emulate our mission statement - Be The Best; Become The Leaders Of Tomorrow.

Miss McConnell