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External Review Validates the 'Pace of Change' at MEA

A lead consultant visited the academy in June 2018, and again in October 2018, as a follow up from her October 2017 visit to review the progress of MEA on behalf of South Pennine Academies.

Key highlights from the feedback report:

•  “Without a doubt, the new Principal has had a galvanising effect on staff and pupils. His vision and enthusiasm appear to be infectious, and observations from the reviews suggest that he has had a very positive impact on MEA.”

•  “The new behaviour systems, which were already showing impact in June, are now clearly embedded. Behaviour around corridors is calm and purposeful at social times and in-between lessons. Pupils wear their uniforms with pride, are respectful, and respond to instructions quickly. They arrive at lessons promptly and there was no evidence of wandering the corridors or pupils being sent outside.”

•  “The atmosphere in the dining hall has changed to the point where it is now a place for pupils to eat, socialise and do some work.”

•  “Behaviour in lessons was exemplary: all teachers were able to get on with teaching and pupils with learning.”

•  “Relationships between teachers and pupils are good, creating a very positive environment for learning. Pupils typically work hard and are confident both to ask and answer questions.”

•  “Discussion with pupils showed that they continue to be very happy with, and supportive of, the changes made across the academy. They felt that the Principal had worked hard to make the space in the building work most effectively and liked the changes to the dining area.”