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Home Learning Overview 2023-24

"The evidence shows that the impact of homework, on average, is five months' additional progress…Evidence also suggests that how homework relates to learning during normal school time is important. In the most effective examples homework was an integral part of learning, rather than an add-on. To maximise impact, it also appears to be important that students are provided with high quality feedback on their work (see Feedback)". EEF Homework

The learning activity will be planned to link to the learning in the classroom or be a retrieval activity.
Sometimes revision activities may be set.
Home learning booklets may be provided for some subjects as well as the use of online learning platforms such as SparxMaths and GCSEpod


KS3 Home Learning Overview

Each activity is expected to be for a maximum of 45 minutes

In Years 7, 8 and 9 students will have one piece of home learning a week for English, Maths and Science. All other subjects will set one piece of home learning every 2 weeks. In Year 9 students will also get home learning for their option subjects.​

English Maths Science Geography History MFL
1x Home learning activity per week 1x Home learning activity per week 1x Home learning activity per week 1x Home learning activity every 2  weeks 1x Home learning activity every 2  weeks 1x Home learning activity every 2  weeks
ADT ICT Music & Drama RE PE Citizenship
1x Home learning activity every 2  weeks 1x Home learning activity every 2  weeks 1x Home learning activity every 2  weeks One extended project per term Set for each activity block



Number of Lessons per fortnight

Minimum duration of Homework per fortnight



30 - 45 mins x 2



30 - 45 mins x 2



30 - 45 mins x 2

Modern Foreign Languages


30 - 45 mins x1



30 - 45 mins x1



30 - 45 mins x 1



30 - 45 mins x 1

Computer Science


30 - 45 mins x 1

Religious Education


One extended project per term

Music & Drama


30 - 45 mins x 1

Physical Education





30 - 45 mins

Students must complete the weekly Homework Schedule in their Student Planner for the term ahead, indicating when they should expect to receive Homework, allowing to plan their time outside of the Academy accordingly.



Year 7 - Home Learning across the Curriculum

English - Via Booklet Maths - Online - SPARX Science - Booklet & FORMS
Your child will be presented with 25 fictional extracts, a series of accompanying comprehension questions, and vocabulary tasks to complete for their home learning in English. The homework booklets are designed to expose your child to an array of challenging texts, with increasingly high reading ages.  Maths home learning tasks are set weekly on Sparx based on the following criteria for your child:
1. Consolidation (retrieval) of work completed in class.
2. Personalised interventions to challenge the strengths and fill the gaps in the areas for development identified from previous homework.
3. Personalised times tables tasks included within each homework to develop automaticity for your child.
Your child will be provided with a homework booklet each half-term in science. The first homework of each half-term is a pre-topic 20Q task set via MS Forms to assess your child’s prior learning.  The remaining homework’s are literacy-based. The booklet contains an article or piece of text with follow-up comprehension questions relating to a key topic in science.  This allows your child to further develop their knowledge and understanding of the curriculum.
Geography - Booklet History - TEAMS MFL - Language-Gym
Every third lesson, your child will be given a worksheet with a range of key geographical terms and unfamiliar words which will be used in their upcoming lessons. Part one of home learning is for your child to use the internet or a dictionary to investigate the list of words at home and write down a definition of each word. Part two is to use the words accurately in a full sentence.   Your child’s home learning will focus on introductions to the following:
Identifying and Describing: this focuses on the key parts of future GCSE learning. Students will complete home learning on the aspects of Being British that involve their own families and heritage (major change this year).
The focus will be on 4 and 8 Mark style questions to build familiarity with using sources, interpretations and evidence. Themes will be on:
• Being British (6 Tasks)
• Empire Building (3 Tasks)
• North American Slave Trade (3 Tasks)
• Genocide of Indigenous Peoples (3 Tasks)
• Colonialisation (3 Tasks)
Your child will complete language activities fortnightly on Language-gym where they will gradually expand their command of a wide range of vocabulary and sentences. They will equally develop their speed of recognition which will improve speaking and listening fluency.
Tracker sheets will also be given at the start of each half-term to give pupils the opportunity to learn key words and phrases on a particular topic at home. In the last week of the half-term, they will be tested in class. These activities will aid revision and retrieval which are essential for success in language learning.
Music -TEAMS Performing Arts- TEAMS Art, Design & Technology TEAMS & Booklet
In music your child will be set 20 questions to retrieve key information that they have been taught and they will also be set a variety of listening homework’s.  In drama your child will be set 20 questions to retrieve key information that they have been taught.

In food your child will be asked to prepare ingredients for recipes that are building in complexity for your child to become a more confident chef. This will include some weighing and measuring activities. Your child will extend their knowledge of ingredients and techniques used through research and evaluation activities. 

In art your child will be set a range of tasks that build upon and extend the topics covered in lessons: The Formal Elements, Tone, Line, Shape & Form. Activities include observational drawing using tone, adding colour, facial proportions plus developing literacy through spellings and artists analysis. Video links are provided for tutorials.  

In Product Design the activities will extend your child’s understanding of the design and making processes to research areas of their project in greater depth to inspire their designs and responses(e.g, considering the celebration card market and research into manufacturing processes).

PE - TEAMS ICT - Booklet
In PE your child will be set a home learning activity every 5-weeks in line with the different topics. Your child will complete 1x sporting activity quiz and 1x body systems/promotion of lifelong participation topic content quiz. All quizzes have a comprehension task to support the quiz which allows your child to develop their reading and writing skills within a sporting context.

Each week students discover new developments in the world of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics. These fields are known as STEM. For each homework, there is a text article, followed by comprehension questions to complete. Homework will be discussed and marked as a class.

Learning Objectives:

  • Practice a full range of reading skills
  • Develop a range of vocabulary – subject specific and non-subject specific
  • Understand new innovations and developments in STEM


Year 8 - Home Learning across the Curriculum

English - Via Booklet Maths - Online - SPARX Science - Booklet & Forms
Your child will be presented with 25 fictional extracts, a series of accompanying comprehension questions, and vocabulary tasks to complete for their home learning in English. The homework booklets are designed to expose your child to an array of challenging texts, with increasingly high reading ages.  Maths home learning tasks are set weekly on Sparx based on the following criteria for your child:
1. Consolidation (retrieval) of work completed in class.
2. Personalised interventions to challenge the strengths and fill the gaps in the areas for development identified from previous homework.
3. Personalised times tables tasks included within each homework to develop automaticity for your child.
Your child will be provided with a homework booklet each half-term in science. The first homework of each half-term is a pre-topic 20Q task set via MS Forms to assess your child’s prior learning.  The remaining homework’s are literacy-based. The booklet contains an article or piece of text with follow-up comprehension questions relating to a key topic in science.  This allows your child to further develop their knowledge and understanding of the curriculum.
Geography - Booklet History - TEAMS MFL - Language-Gym
Every third lesson, your child will be given a worksheet with a range of key geographical terms and unfamiliar words which will be used in their upcoming lessons. Part one of home learning is for your child to use the internet or a dictionary to investigate the list of words at home and write down a definition of each word. Part two is to use the words accurately in a full sentence.   Your child’s home learning will focus on introductions to the following:
How did life change in Britain?
Factories and human rights
Railways and canals
Whitechapel case study
Poverty, health, and government responsibility

Your child will complete language activities fortnightly on Language-gym where they will gradually expand their command of a wide range of vocabulary and sentences. They will equally develop their speed of recognition which will improve speaking and listening fluency.

Tracker sheets will also be given at the start of each half-term to give pupils the opportunity to learn key words and phrases on a particular topic at home. In the last week of the half-term, they will be tested in class. These activities will aid revision and retrieval which are essential for success in language learning.

Music -TEAMS Performing Arts- TEAMS Art, Design & Technology TEAMS & Booklet
In music your child will be set 20 questions to retrieve key information that they have been taught and they will also be set a variety of listening homework’s. 

In drama your child will be set 20 questions to retrieve key information that they have been taught.

In food your child will be asked to prepare ingredients for recipes that are building in complexity for your child to become a more confident chef. This will include some weighing and measuring activities. Your child will extend their knowledge of ingredients and techniques used through research and evaluation activities. 

In art your child will be set a range of tasks that build upon and extend the topics covered in lessons and from Year 7. Students will build on their knowledge of mark making and colour theory through a series of tasks. The activities allow them to develop their observational drawing skills using a range of techniques.

In textiles homework is used to extend your child’s understanding of their design and make journey creating a cushion or piece of textiles artwork. The activities will allow them to explore and carry out market research, a product analysis and research into decorative techniques and care labelling. 

PE - TEAMS ICT - Booklet
In PE your child will be set a home learning activity every 5-weeks in line with the different topics. Your child will complete 1x sporting activity quiz and 1x body systems/promotion of lifelong participation topic content quiz. All quizzes have a comprehension task to support the quiz which allows your child to develop their reading and writing skills within a sporting context.

Each week students discover new developments in the world of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics. These fields are known as STEM. For each homework, there is a text article, followed by comprehension questions to complete. Homework will be discussed and marked as a class.

Learning Objectives:

  • Practice a full range of reading skills
  • Develop a range of vocabulary – subject specific and non-subject specific
  • Understand new innovations and developments in STEM


Year 9 - Home Learning across the Curriculum


English - Via Booklet Maths - Online - SPARX Science - Booklet & Forms
In Year 9 your child’s homework booklet provides retrieval learning from years7 & 8 and prepares them for the curriculum in Years 10 and 11. Your child will be asked to engage with a series of fiction extracts, and continue to explore and retain Tier 3 vocabulary. Your child will also be introduced to a series of other text types, including non-fiction and poems. They are not only asked to complete comprehension tasks, but are asked to develop their writing skills, using the extracts as models.   Maths home learning tasks are set weekly on Sparx based on the following criteria for your child:
1. Consolidation (retrieval) of work completed in class.
2. Personalised interventions to challenge the strengths and fill the gaps in the areas for development identified from previous homework.
3. Personalised times tables tasks included within each homework to develop automaticity for your child.
Your child will be provided with a homework booklet each half-term in science. The first homework of each half-term is a pre-topic 20Q task set via MS Forms to assess your child’s prior learning.  The remaining homework’s are literacy-based. The booklet contains an article or piece of text with follow-up comprehension questions relating to a key topic in science.  This allows your child to further develop their knowledge and understanding of the curriculum.
Geography - Booklet History - TEAMS MFL - LanguageGym
Every third lesson, your child will be given a worksheet with a range of key geographical terms and unfamiliar words which will be used in their upcoming lessons. Part one of home learning is for your child to use the internet or a dictionary to investigate the list of words at home and write down a definition of each word. Part two is to use the words accurately in a full sentence.   Your child’s home learning will focus on introductions to the following:
The Interwar Years
WW2 in both Europe and Asia
The Holocaust
Civil Rights in the USA and UK:
Home Learning will also develop wider skills in GCSE 12 and 16 mark questions which focus on the assessment criteria below:
AO3: Analyse, evaluate and use sources (contemporary to the period) to make substantiated judgements, in the context of historical events studied.
AO4: Analyse, evaluate and make substantiated judgements about interpretations (including how and why interpretations may differ) in the context of historical events studied.
Your child will complete language activities fortnightly on Language-gym where they will gradually expand their command of a wide range of vocabulary and sentences. They will equally develop their speed of recognition which will improve speaking and listening fluency.
Tracker sheets will also be given at the start of each half-term to give pupils the opportunity to learn key words and phrases on a particular topic at home. In the last week of the half-term, they will be tested in class. These activities will aid revision and retrieval which are essential for success in language learning.
Music -TEAMS Performing Arts- TEAMS Art, Design & Technology TEAMS & Booklet
In music your child will be set 20 questions to retrieve key information that they have been taught and they will also be set a variety of listening homework’s.  In drama your child will be set 20 questions to retrieve key information that they have been taught.

In food your child will be asked to prepare ingredients for recipes that are building in complexity in preparation for study at GCSE. This includes some weighing and measuring. Your child will extend their knowledge of ingredients used through research and evaluation activities. 

In art the tasks set reinforce the techniques used in class and build upon the skills developed in year 8. There are opportunities to practice adding shade through mark making, develop observational drawing techniques learned in class and developing literacy and numeracy through the use of key words in preparation for study at GCSE. 


In textiles homework is used to extend your child’s understanding of their design and make journey creating a cushion or piece of textiles artwork. The activities will allow them to explore and carry out market research, a product analysis and research into decorative techniques.


In Photography, students are challenged to take photographs in the style of the photographer or formal element studied. This reinforces their understanding and supports independent practice in taking photographs successfully.

PE - TEAMS ICT - Booklet
In PE your child will be set a home learning activity every 5-weeks in line with the different topics. Your child will complete 1x sporting activity quiz and 1x body systems/promotion of lifelong participation topic content quiz. All quizzes have a comprehension task to support the quiz which allows your child to develop their reading and writing skills within a sporting context.

Each week students discover new developments in the world of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics. These fields are known as STEM. For each homework, there is a text article, followed by comprehension questions to complete. Homework will be discussed and marked as a class.

Learning Objectives:

  • Practice a full range of reading skills
  • Develop a range of vocabulary – subject specific and non-subject specific
  • Understand new innovations and developments in STEM


KS4 Number of Tasks set per subject

Each activity is for a maximum of 60 minutes

In Years 10 and 11 students have one piece of home learning a week for core subjects and every 2 weeks for their other GCSEs and vocational subjects.

English Maths Combined Science Geography History MFL
1x Home learning activity per week 1x Home learning activity per week 1x Home learning activity per week 1x Home learning activity every 2  weeks 1x Home learning activity every 2  weeks 1x Home learning activity every 2  weeks
Art & Design Photography Hospitality & catering Food Preperation Cirizenship H&S Care
1x Home learning activity every 2 weeks. 1x Home learning activity every 2 weeks. 1x Home learning activity every 2 weeks. 1x Home learning activity every 2 weeks. 1x Home learning activity every 2 weeks. 1x Home learning activity every 2 weeks.
Comp Science i Media Digital Tech Enterprise RE BTEC Sport
1x Home learning activity every 2 weeks. 1x Home learning activity every 2 weeks. 1x Home learning activity every 2 weeks. 1x Home learning activity every 2 weeks. 1x Home learning activity every 2 weeks. 1x Home learning activity every 2 weeks.
GCSE PE BTEC Music Biology Physics Chemistry
1x Home learning activity every 2 weeks. 1x Home learning activity every 2 weeks. 1x Home learning activity per week. 1x Home learning activity per week.  1x Home learning activity per week.



Number of Lessons per fortnight


Minimum duration of Homework per fortnight



60 mins x 2



60 mins x 2

Combined Science


60 mins x 2

Separate Sciences


50 mins x 6



60 mins x 1

Cultural Awareness Option


 60 mins x 1

Option A


60 mins x 1

Option B


60 mins x 1

Physical Education



Religious Education



Students must complete the weekly Homework Schedule in their Student Planner for the term ahead, indicating when they should expect to receive Homework, allowing to plan their time outside of the Academy accordingly.




Year 10 - Home Learning across the Curriculum


English - Via Booklet Maths - Online - SPARX Science - Booklet & Forms
In English your child’s home learning will be around revision. The Year 10 revision homework booklets will guide your child through the steps of revision, for each of their Literature texts.
The activities include:
Recall and retention, your child will be asked to re-read their Literature texts, identify relevant quotations, and context, engage in a series of tasks designed to help remember them and build a set of flashcards.
Revision by using GCSE Pod, which the booklet directs students to use efficiently, again with the aim of supporting recall and retention of texts, contexts and quotations, due to the closed-book nature of the exam.
Your child will be guided through exam questions, and wider reading resources, to further support their retention and application of GCSE skills and knowledge, and beyond.
Maths home learning tasks are set weekly on Sparx based on the following criteria for your child:
1. Consolidation (retrieval) of work completed in class.
2. Personalised interventions to challenge the strengths and fill the gaps in the areas for development identified from previous homework.
3. Personalised times tables tasks included within each homework to develop automaticity for lower prior attainers.
4. Following the mocks exams pinpoint booklets will be used in the following weeks.

Your child will be set weekly homework in science.

GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy classes the first homework of each half-term is the pre-topic 20Q task set via MS Forms.

GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics students the pre-topic 20Q task will be set in the first week of a new topic. Homework will include a variety of activities which may include but is not limited to:
• Kerboodle tasks
• GCSE POD videos and quizzes
• Key idea topic questions
• Exam practice questions
• Reading and comprehension activities
• Research based tasks
• Retrieval practice
• Revision activities

Geography - TEAMS History - TEAMs MFLLanguageGym
Your child will be given an assignment on TEAMs in geography to complete with a selection of self-marking questions to answer which link to the content they have recently been taught in lessons. This will further support their ability to recall key knowledge and understanding to apply to a range of GCSE questions.

In Year 10 your child will have three areas to cover:
Germany, 1890–1945 (Unit 1, HT 1-2) - students will follow the AO1-4 Questions for Home Learning in three parts for Germany (Q1-3, Q4 and 5, then Q6) as the basis for the knowledge requirement for the exam.

Conflict and tension between East and West, 1945-72 (Unit 2, HT3-5) - this will focus on AO1-2 specifically as the largest part of the awards for this GCSE are knowledge, content and its application. We will focus on Q2, Q3 and Q4 with Q1 covered solely in lessons. 100Q and Revision materials will be used to support each home learning task.

Norman England, c1066–c1100 (Unit 3, HT6) - the Home Learning will be based upon the Historic Environment packs. 2022 will be Yorkshire’s position in the Norman era. This will focus on the sources and will involve research of specific evidence to fulfil the criteria from AQA.

Your child will be set fortnightly sentence builders to learn and test these in a no/low-stakes manner to aid revision and retrieval. They are also encouraged to use revision guides/links from

Oak National Academy,

BBC bitesize  or GCSE Pod to close gaps in knowledge through note taking and creation of flashcards.  There will also be access to Language-gym where activities will be set, where your child can learn/practice/revise key language independently and in an engaging way. Your child’s scores are updated after each session to encourage participation. 

Art, Design & Technology - Coursework Citizenship - Booklet Health & Social Care - Coursework
Your child’s art home learning is always related to and forms part of their current coursework project. Each piece of coursework is part of their portfolio work submission and therefore each homework task contributes to their final grade. Homework tasks include visual research, observational studies, material experiments, reviewing and refinements and artist/designer analysis tasks.   In Year 10 your child will be provided with a homework booklet based on either a past topic to aid retrieval practice. The theme for each term is shown below:
Term 1 – Students were studying theme A – Living together in the UK but were given homework around Theme B Democracy at work in the UK.
Term 2 – Students are studying Theme B Democracy at work in the UK but are given a home learning booklet around Theme A Living in the UK.
Term 3 – Students will be given a home learning booklet around Theme C – How the law works whilst also studying this in class.
Your child will be given homework tasks linked to the completion of their coursework every week. The theme of the homework will depend on which aspect of the specification they are covering in their lessons.
Food preparation & nutrition, and Hospitality & Catering TEAMS & Revision Booklets Photography - TEAMS & Coursework Computing and Enterprise 
In Food Preparation and Nutrition and Hospitality and Catering, the homework set for your child focuses on recapping knowledge from the lessons using the online platform SENECA, knowledge organisers, and GCSE bite size. Answering past paper exam questions and creating revision resources. Practical activities include practicing and research cooking skills, organising ingredients, time management and sourcing recipes. Your child’s photography home learning is always related to and forms part of their current coursework project. Each piece of coursework is part of their portfolio work submission and therefore each homework task contributes to their final grade.
Homework tasks include visual research, artist/designer analysis tasks, take images, use online photo editor packages such as Photopea and present the work completed in class. On some occasions, this homework might be ‘flipped’ in nature, where students carry out learning ahead of covering the topic in class.
In Computer Science your child will complete a variety of homework tasks as outlines below:
- E-Portfolio/books – your child should complete any exam questions or coursework identified in the lesson.
- If your child misses a lesson they are to complete the missed work on the E-Portfolio for homework and are given a 1-week deadline
- Each topic has an E-Portfolio which is separate to lesson work and this is completed at home at end of each work as the E-Portfolios are based on lessons taught.
In BTEC DIT, Enterprise and iMedia your child will either complete coursework by improving it or by completing missed work. The work is online for your child to complete.
Music - TEAMS Drama - TEAMS PE - TEAMS
Home learning frequency is set each time students change topics within lessons. Usually every 2-3 lessons depending on the content. Each topic within GCSE PE and BTEC Sport has a supporting TEAMs quiz/comprehension tasks for students to complete to support with retrieval practice strategies and exam specific-subject knowledge content.


Year 11 - Home Learning across the Curriculum

English - Booklet Maths - Online - SPARX Science - Booklet & Forms
In English your child’s home learning will be around revision. The Year 11 revision homework booklets will guide your child through the steps of revision, for each of their Literature texts.
The activities include:
Recall and retention, your child will be asked to re-read their Literature texts, identify relevant quotations, and context, engage in a series of tasks designed to help remember them and build a set of flashcards.
Revision by using GCSE Pod, which the booklet directs students to use efficiently, again with the aim of supporting recall and retention of texts, contexts and quotations, due to the closed-book nature of the exam.
Your child will be guided through exam questions, and wider reading resources, to further support their retention and application of GCSE skills and knowledge, and beyond.
Maths home learning tasks are set weekly on Sparx based on the following criteria for your child:
1. Consolidation (retrieval) of work completed in class.
2. Personalised interventions to challenge the strengths and fill the gaps in the areas for development identified from previous homework.
3. Personalised times tables tasks included within each homework to develop automaticity for lower prior attainers.
4. Following the mocks exams pinpoint booklets will be used in the following weeks.
5. ‘Nine Topics to Nail Down’ issued in the lead up to GCSE examinations to support with revision.

Homework is set weekly for your child in science.

GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy classes the first homework of each half-term is the pre-topic 20Q task set via MS Forms.
GCSE separate sciences Biology, Chemistry and Physics students the pre-topic 20Q task will be set in the first week of a new topic. Homework will include a variety of activities which may include but is not limited to:
• Kerboodle tasks
• GCSE POD videos and quizzes
• Key idea topic questions
• Exam practice questions
• Reading and comprehension activities
• Research based tasks
• Retrieval practice
• Revision activities

Geography - TEAMS History - TEAMs MFL - Language-Gym plus other webdites.
Your child will be given an assignment on TEAMs in geography to complete with a selection of self-marking questions to answer which link to the content they have recently been taught in lessons to content they were taught in Year 10 to help them retrieve information they learnt last year. . This will further support their ability to recall key knowledge and understanding to apply to a range of GCSE questions.

In Year 11 your child will have a variety of themes for their home learning in history.
Norman England, c1066– c1100 – this will be based upon the Historic Environment packs. 2022 will be Yorkshire’s position in the Norman era. It will focus on the sources and require research of specific evidence to fulfil the criteria from AQA. HT1 of Y11 will be focused on the 8-mark questions and 16-mark question.
Health and the People Home Learning - will focus on AO1-4. This will be specifically aimed at the 7 themes for this part of the course. Your child will study the importance of the following factors: (All 7 are recurring themes throughout the Topic and units)
• war
• superstition and religion
• chance
• government
• communication
• science and technology
• the role of the individual in encouraging or inhibiting change.
Your child will also have Home Learning based on the following key questions:
This option focuses on the following questions:
•Why has there been progress in the health of the British people?
•How and why has the pace and scale of medical development varied at different times?
•What impact has medical progress had on people and society?
•How and why have different factors been more important than others for individual medical developments?
•What is the significance of key individuals or events in the history of medical development?

Your child will be set fortnightly vocabulary to learn and test these in a no/low-stakes manner to aid revision and retrieval. They are also encouraged to use revision guides/links from Oak National Academy , BBC bitesize or GCSE Pod to close gaps in knowledge through note taking and creation of flashcards.
There will also be access to Language-Gym in HT4 where activities will be set, where your child can learn/practice/revise key language independently and in an engaging way. Your child’s scores are updated after each session to encourage participation.
From half term 3 onwards, your child will receive speaking and writing questions to answer at home in preparation for the speaking exam in May and Writing exam in June. These are then reviewed and practiced in lessons.
Art, Craft and Design, Coursework and portfolio Citizenship - TEAMS Health & Social Care - Coursework
Your child’s art home learning is always related to and forms part of their current coursework project. Each piece of coursework is part of their portfolio work submission and therefore each homework task contributes to their final grade. Homework tasks include visual research, observational studies, material experiments, reviewing and refinements and artist/designer analysis tasks. Citizenship homework will focus on your child developing their knowledge and understating of the course content through different revision activities. The resources that they be provided for their homework are listed:
Term 1 – Theme B work booklet
Term 2 – Work booklet covering different style exam questions.
Term 3 – Different revision techniques booklet to consolidate learning.
Health and Social care homework will focus on your child developing their knowledge and understating of the course content through different revision activities. The resources that they be provided for their homework are listed - Component 3 work booklet.
Exam papers to complete.
Knowledge organisers and question booklet.
Food preparation & nutrition and Hospitality & Catering TEAMS Revision booklets Photography, TEAMS Coursework Computing and Enterprise Online E-Portfolio, Class book
In Food Preparation and Nutrition, the homework set for your child focuses on recapping knowledge from the lessons using the online platform SENECA, knowledge organisers, and GCSE bite size. Answering past paper exam questions and creating revision resources. Practical activities include practicing and research cooking skills, organising ingredients, time management and sourcing recipes. Your child’s photography home learning is always related to and forms part of their current coursework project. Each piece of coursework is part of their portfolio work submission and therefore each homework task contributes to their final grade.
Homework tasks include visual research, artist/designer analysis tasks, take images, use online photo editor packages such as Photopea and present the work completed in class. On some occasions, this homework might be ‘flipped’ in nature, where students carry out learning ahead of covering the topic in class.
In Computer Science your child will complete a variety of homework tasks as outlines below:
- E-Portfolio/books – your child should complete any exam questions or coursework identified in the lesson.
- If your child misses a lesson they are to complete the missed work on the E-Portfolio for homework and are given a 1-week deadline
- Each topic has an E-Portfolio which is separate to lesson work and this is completed at home at end of each work as the E-Portfolios are based on lessons taught.
In BTEC DIT, Enterprise and iMedia your child will either complete coursework by improving it or by completing missed work. The work is online for your child to complete.