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Back to school reminders 22/23

Dear parent/carer,

We appreciate that this is an extremely busy period of the year, one in which you are working hard to ensure your child/children are ready for their return to school. We have tried to outline some key messages and reminders to aid you with this process;

Our return date is Tuesday 6th September.

Year 7's will need to arrive at school before 8.40am, but no earlier than 8:30am.

Year 8 - 8:50am

Year 9 - 9:00am

Year 10 - 9:10am

Year 11- 9:20am

Wednesday onwards - There has been a slight change to our Academy day. Breakfast club continues to run from 8:00 am and all students are welcome to attend from this time, however our new tutor period begins at 8:30am each morning. This means students must be seated in their form rooms before the 8:30am bell rings, otherwise they will be issued with a late comment and receive a same day lunchtime detention.

You will be aware of our uniform expectations here at MEA;

Black shoes must be worn and not trainers.

Black socks which go above the ankle.

Grey trousers which are not skinny fit, white shirts unless students are in year 11 in which case they wear blue shirts, MEA blazers and ties remain the same.

False nails and extended eye lashes are not permitted, and piercings are restricted to one nose stud and one ear stud.

Please also ensure your child/children bring their correct classroom equipment.

Punctuality and attendance are key to academic success. We expect all our students to aim for 100% attendance for the academic year, with a target percentage of 97%, which means taking less than 6 days off for the full academic year. Attendance supporting contracts will be put in place where attendance falls below expectations without medical evidence. Each absence must be phoned in on the morning of the absence. Please work in collaboration with us to drive attendance and ensure each child maximizes their chances of success.

Thank you for taking the time to read these ‘back to school reminders’ and we look forward to seeing all our students return on Tuesday 6th September.